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Mena's Top 10 Songs of 2021

Hi it’s me Mena, and welcome to my top 10 songs of 2021! This year I actually chose one song per artist (unlike last year where I had The Amazing Devil twice).

So here we go my top 10 songs of 2021…


Look Who’s Inside Again - Bo Burnham

Since the release of inside I have listened to this album non stop that Bo Burnham was my number 3 artist on the Spotify wrapped. I chose this song as my favourite as it’s just so simple and it’s my most played song by Bo Burnham.


Higher Power - Coldplay

Coldplay released their album Music Of The Spheres this year and I thought most songs were good. I chose Higher Power as my favourite song as any time I hear it I just want to dance around the room. It’s a catchy song that grew on me since it’s release and I bet it would be a good one live.


Coralline - Måneskin

Thanks to Eurovision I discovered this band and I’m so glad they won. Their album was released this year and out of all the songs this one stuck with me the most. This is the song that I have played the most off the album and every time I listen I love it.


Once In A Lifetime - All Time Low

Of course I have to have some All Time Low on here. This song reminds me of all the fun me and my sister had over the year. It takes me back to those days sitting in the car going places but also jumping around the kitchen to this song.


Distorted Light Beam - Bastille

The concept for the upcoming Bastille album sounds amazing, I’ve always loved the idea of simulations and sci-fi inspired things. This song was the first they released from it and to this day it makes me so excited for the albums release.


Fleabag - Yungblud

This song is the only one that Yungblud has released this year, and it always takes me back to my first Yungblud gig that I went to in October for my birthday. Every time I hear it I want to jump around the kitchen with my sister as it’s just a fun song.


In Circles - Holding Absence

This is such an amazing album that it was very difficult to choose a favourite song. I chose In Circles as my favourite song as I have many fond memories with this song like seeing them live in Cardiff and sitting in the car with my family.


Formidable - Twenty One Pilots

Scaled and Icy is probably my most played album of the year as it’s just one I keep going back to. I chose Formidable as this song is one that I love since I first heard it. I love this song a lot that I can’t stop playing it over and over again.


Secret Worlds - The Amazing Devil

The Amazing Devil apparently are my most played artist of all time on Spotify, so of course when they released a new album I had to listen to it. I love Ruin so much that it was very difficult to choose only one song. I decided that Secret Worlds was my favourite as it’s just a powerful song and every time I listen to it I imagine being in a fantasy world like in DND and Labyrinth. I just want to run around a field dressed up as a fantasy character listening to this song.


Concrete - Lovejoy

Concrete is favourite song of 2021. I discovered Lovejoy back in early August when they only had the one EP out and I listened to that non stop. When they brought out Pebble Brain it was two days before my birthday (which was good timing). Concrete was the first song that I listened to (as I forgot that I have my music on shuffle) and I loved it ever since. Even to this day I love Concrete and all the memories that I have with it.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading, until next time...

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