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Interview with Shojon


Shojon is a Pop and R&B musician who's new single Theorem shows the journey of overcoming depression with love. This single and it's subsequent EP is in aid of MIND, the mental health charity and I think that it's amazing that Shojon is doing this.

I had a chance to ask Shojon some questions about Theorem and why it was important to him to support MIND with his music.

Hi Shojon! First of all, how are you?

Right now, I’m feeling awesome, so much going on in reality that was just an idea in my head.

How would you describe your sound to the readers?

My sound varies overall I like to experiment with various genres, but what you can expect from my music is that its emotion driven, and in most cases relatable. Currently with Theorem and the Greenwich Views E.P I’ve chosen an indie pop/rock style to take the listener on my personal journey with mental health.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

Mainly at the moment my peers are my biggest influences they showed me how to do what I do. Kid Bookie, Gullypabs, Premz and so many other creatives hailing from the Greenwich borough, our journeys been crazy the stories to be told this is just the beginning.

How did you get started in music?

I wanted to record tracks for a hobby at the time, was using a pc mic and acid pro to make remixes of my favourite songs, a school friend Craig had told me about building a home studio, which I did. I then started recording for local musicians, expanding into visual media with clients around the world. Now I’m stepping into the music artist creative me and giving it that Shojon magic.

Your new song Theorem is about overcoming some of your past problems, can you tell us why it was important for you to write this song?

I was coming from a dark place and love is what got me through, in Theorem I depict the story as a journey in which I followed a light despite not knowing or understanding my feelings but welcoming the changes thereof. I wanted to remind the listener that life is a journey, sometimes you may stumble across dark places temporarily but there’s people that care and their love can bring you through.

Theorem has a really uplifting feeling and it’s been described as chronicling the experience of falling in love, which is also shown in the music video, was the uplifting feeling something you deliberately wanted in this song?

Yes definitely, I was editing the video during a lockdown and wanted the visual to be vibrant to counter the sombre vibes that the pandemic had brought. The stats presented at the time showed mental health complaints were rising and things looked as if they were only to get worse. I wanted to remind people, that people care and they only need to let love in to start feeling better and receiving support.

Can you tell us more about your fundraising campaign for MIND? I think this is such a great cause and an amazing charity to fundraise for.

Mental Health awareness is something important to me and during the lockdown I saw that people’s mental health was not doing so well, including my own, and being made aware of cuts to programmes that have helped millions of people like myself, I felt the urge to do my part in helping the cause. I used the concept of my Shojon Bar ( a chocolate bar inspired over lockdown as I found creative focus in eating chocolate, which repressed the urge for other vices) and added information about MIND and mental health on the packaging, as well as using the chocolate as a reward to drive donations for MIND. We managed to raise over £1700 in 28 days (including gift aid).

What can we expect to hear from you next? Do you have any plans for future releases?

There’s so much to come, the lockdowns have allowed me to evolve my creativity beyond what I could imagine, I have over 50 songs written so many collaborations I can't wait to show you all! And that is just the music I’ve been creating other works too but for those you’ll have to wait and see. The next thing after Theorem will be the next 3 songs from the same EP entitled ‘Greenwich Views’ that is my mental health awareness project landing in a few months.

And lastly, what have you been listening to recently? Who’s music would you recommend we listen to next?

I’m only going to recommend my guys here Escape the Box giving you that rock edge REAL MUSIC, you got Romzy & 8teen fresh rap talent from the borough.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions, it's really appreciated.

Thanks back atcha just make sure you and everybody reading clicks the love heart next to Shojon, Theorem & all subsequent works from now, you won’t regret it ;)

Thanks for reading, until next time...

You can listen to Theorem on Spotify here.

You can follow Shojon on Spotify here.

You can follow Shojon on Instagram here.

You can find Shojon's website here with a link to his MIND fundraiser.

Follow After Midnight on Instagram here.

Follow After Midnight on Facebook here.

Follow me on Spotify here.

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