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Interview with Katie Power

Indie-pop/country artist Katie Power has just released her new single 'Led Me On', so I caught up with her to talk all about the song, her musical influences and what's next for her.

Hi Katie, how are you?

I’m great, thanks! I just got back from spring break so I am ready to hit the ground running with performances and releases.

How would you describe your sound to the readers?

I would describe it as the lyrical honesty and realness of 90s rock and even a little bit of early 2000s. The fun thing about releasing music is hearing everyone tell you what your song reminds them of!

Who would you say are your biggest musical influences?

I would say Taylor Swift will always be my number one and that’s explained in the next question. Phoebe Bridgers is amazing and so is Hayley Williams. All three of those women are incredible performers, writers, and businesswomen. I definitely aspire to be like them.

How did your music journey start?

When I was 9 I wanted to be a singer/songwriter because I learned Taylor Swift wrote her own songs and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Then when I was about 12 or 13 I learned guitar and I would come home and play every single day. I would write about how my day went or just make stuff up. When I was 16 I played my first original song at a coffee house show, and now I am here at 22 playing music all over music city!

Your new song ‘Led Me On’ is out now, congratulations! What was the process of writing this song like for you?

I actually wrote the lyrics months before I knew it was going to actually become a song! I wrote the lyrics out because I was loved the idea of writing a song for a musical but in my style. Kind of putting myself into the mind of the character and how they would process a situation.

Can you explain more about the main inspiration behind this song?

I was inspired by relationships where someone feels like they were never truly loved by that person and they were just being used for some ulterior motive. This idea wasn’t inspired by my personal life but I can now see parts of my life infused in this song.

Do you have a favourite lyric or line from the song?

I have a lot of favourites from this song but I think my favourite is “you led me on every out you stayed in / every chance you had you pressed your luck” I think it really shows the frustration and sadness in the song.

What’s your favourite memory from recording this song?

My favorite memory was when I recorded the harmonies. I am not a natural when it comes to harmonies so my vocal coach (KTTalbot) helped me come up with them and I spent the whole day practicing. It was to the point where my Dad had to physically pull me away from the piano! But it paid off because I nailed the harmonies on my first time and they came out so beautifully!

What’s next for you? Do you have any more music on the way?

Yes!! After “Led Me On” I will be releasing my debut EP “It’s Just Me: The EP” featuring my singles “It’s Just Me,” “Led Me On,” and TWO brand new songs!

And lastly, what music have you been listening to recently? Anything you can recommend to us?

Weird fact: when I read or do work I can’t listen to anything except like a song on loop as white noise (not an insult because it has to be a song I love lol)

Recently I’ve been listening to Push by Matchbox Twenty, All Too Well (Long Pond Studio Version), and I always recommend the album After Laughter by Paramore and Red (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift. (Also Phoebe Bridgers!)

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions for us, it’s really appreciated!

Listen to 'Led Me On' here.

Follow Katie Power on Instagram here.

All After Midnight links here.

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