Interview with Bella Vine

Bella Vine is an indie pop artist whose new single Infatuated is out now. I caught up with Bella to talk about the process of making Infatuated, working with Ian Barter and the feeling of empowerment that comes along with the song.
Hi Bella, how are you?
Hi Elin, I’m very well thank you and hope you are too.
How would you describe your sound to the readers?
For Infatuated, I think it would be best described as indie pop, well I hope….. The rest of my music to come falls under a generally similar umbrella of Pop music but heavily enthused with elements from other genres. I’d like to say my sound for the unreleased songs is electro-pop and synth pop!
How did your musical journey start?
Music has been a huge part of my life. I started singing when I was super young and was the classic child in all the choirs at school. However I was painfully shy and would never want to do solos or put myself forward for anything, I just wanted to be around the music and have any excuse to sing. I grew more confident with age and was able to learn how to go after what I wanted. Very fortunately I’ve ended up here, and am so grateful and super excited to be releasing my own music and create worlds around the songs. I just hope that other people enjoy my music and enter those worlds as much as I enjoyed creating them. Who would you say are your biggest musical influences?
My goodness I have so many musical influences its hard to pick! I would have to say right now they are Dua Lipa, Raye and Fletcher. I just think these women are so talented and are incredibly good at what they do, and are equally so honest and vulnerable through their music, and they fearlessly stand for what they believe in. All of their hard work really does translate in where they are today, and what they’ve achieved in the music industry, and that in itself is super inspiring and admirable.
Your new single ‘Infatuated’ is out now, congratulations! What was the process of making this song like for you?
Thank you so much. ☺ Oh my goodness we had such a great time creating Infatuated, I loved every second of it. We wrote and recorded the song in one day and we just had so much fun with it. There was so much freedom in the studio to explore the way I wanted to tell the story, so much so that I did end up minutes before recording flipping the narrative of the song. Haha! ☺ What was it like to work with Ian Barter on this song?
He is just an amazing man! He really lets you do your thing and there’s never any sense of pressure or time when you’re in his studio, which is such a luxury. He also creates such a fun and safe environment allowing you to really explore different avenues and be vulnerable; he also really listens to your vision and what you hope to deliver in that session. I just count my lucky stars that I’ve had the pleasure of working with him on all of my songs. Ian is an extremely talented producer and all round lovely person! You’ve said that ‘Infatuated’ tells a story of lust that you overcame, being the one pining over someone who never even knew. Could you tell us more about that and the inspiration behind the song?
I think being infatuated with someone can be an all-consuming sensation and can have quite an affect on you. I was infatuated with someone a while ago and writing this song was a form of release and maybe even closure. To then have the idea of flipping the narrative to make myself come across as the desired one, was a fun, tongue in cheek idea to try and make myself feel better and empowered, when singing and listening to the song. All I hope now that it is out, is that my listeners can also embody the woman on a mission and feel empowered when listening to it.

Do you have a favourite lyric or line from the song?
I think the line “a woman on a mission, no time to stop and listen’ is my favourite. It just makes me feel empowered and all my friends that have heard the song feel the same way, which is what I was secretly hoping for! What do you hope listeners will take away from the song?
My main hope is that they feel confident and good enough in themselves. Regardless of whether or not the song relates to them, I think music, just like movies, is a form of escapism, and I really tried to create an escape for my female listeners if they ever need it, and to hopefully give them a snippet in their day of feeling like ‘a woman on a mission.’ Is ‘Infatuated’ part of a bigger project for you? Will we be hearing more music soon?
Yes it is, and yes you will! ☺ I’m sooo excited for everyone to hear and see what I’ve been creating over the past year. I sadly can’t say more now but I WISH I could! And lastly, what music have you been listening to recently? Anything you can recommend to us?
I’ve been listening to a lot of Fletcher recently. I think she’s so cool and I just love her honesty, strength and vulnerability, which is translated through her music and what message she promotes to her fans. She just dropped a new song called ‘Healing’ which I can’t stop listening to. ☺ On Repeat. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these for us, it’s really appreciated.
Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me, I’ve really enjoyed it!!

You can go and listen to 'Infatuated' out now, wherever you listen to music. Please make sure you give Bella Vine a follow on her social media pages so you know when more music is coming, and add 'Infatuated' to all of your music playlists for this summer.
Listen to Infatuated by Bella Vine on Spotify here.
Follow Bella Vine on Spotify here.
Follow Bella Vine on Instagram here.
All After Midnight links here.
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