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After Midnight 2024

Hello everyone, happy new year!

It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write something on here, but I thought I would update you on what’s going on here with After Midnight. I’m excited for the year ahead, after a bit of a break I’ve got some really exciting things in the pipeline for this year, and some have already started coming into fruition. 

As some of you may know, I currently work as a freelancer in the music/events industry doing a variety of things, which is why After Midnight has had to sit on the back burner for a bit. I’m hoping that this year I will be able to continue more with After Midnight while working or around working my other jobs, but I make no promises, as I’m sure I’ve said similar in the past which didn’t get very far. 

Anyway, exciting project no 1 is that After Midnight Radio is back! 

To some of you that may mean nothing, but After Midnight started as a radio show back in 2016 when I was 15 years old and that’s what kicked everything off for me, from studying music production and starting this blog to now working as a freelancer in music and touring. So it feels kind of full circle to be back on the radio. 

I must confess, the shows are not live and have been pre recorded in my bedroom, but that’s more to do with the nature of my job and not being able to record live every other week. I knew that if After Midnight Radio was to come back that it was going to be on my terms and in a way I’m comfortable for it to exist. So, I urge you to join me in listening to some incredible music, new and old, from artists you love to some you may not have heard before. After Midnight Radio is a place for me to share what I’m listening to with you, promote new and upcoming artists, talk about live shows and possibly even interview some of these artists. 

You can listen to After Midnight Radio on Radio Platfform online, usually ever other Monday at 8pm. The first few episodes are up now on the Radio Platfform mixcloud (linked here), and the playlists are on this blog and on my Spotify (linked here). So you can listen at your own leisure at a time convenient to you. 

Thank you to Radio Platfform for having and hosting me. 

Exciting project no 2 is that After Midnight is branching out into promoting and putting on live music shows! 

Some of you may already be aware of these developments, or even of the gigs we have put on in the past, but this year I really want to move into the next step of After Midnight. This year I have been chosen as one of eight individuals from across Wales to be a part of the Young Promoters Network, and as part of this I am currently in the middle of organising a gig in my local area of Pontypridd. More on this to come in the next few weeks, but I am excited and can’t wait to share the details with you! 

I am so grateful to the Young Promoters Network and Beacons Cymru for choosing me to be a part of this years cohort. 

I am also planning to organise and promote more shows as the year goes on, and will be updating you on those in due course. This is something I have been working towards since University as I love to plan and promote gigs, bringing together some incredible artists for a great night of live music. I hope that I can host gigs in multiple areas so that as many of you can attend as possible. I always want live music to be accessible to all. 

That brings me to the end of this update for now, I am striving to be more active on here this year with these projects among working and touring. 

As always, you can follow me on Instagram @after_midnight_blog or @elingriffithswarner for any updates and to see what I’m up to. This will probably be the best place to see what’s going on.

Thanks for reading, until next time…

After Midnight Radio is here.

You can find the After Midnight Spotify here.

Everything else is linked here. 



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