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Interview with Meg Lawrenson

Hello all, today we have an interview with Meg Lawrenson who is another great up and coming artist for you to look out for. Her new single ‘Use My Body’ is out now and it sees a slight departure in sound for Meg. It’s a really catchy upbeat song for the summer that will get stuck in your head for days.

Hi Meg, how would you describe your musical style to the readers?

Powerful Alternative-Pop! I’ve always wanted to write like Taylor Swift and sing like Hayley Williams. My band has a real knack for creating atmospheric soundscape, and I’ve always loved a big punchy chorus!

Who are your main musical influences?

Taylor Swift and Paramore are my main two influences, but I also take inspiration from country goddesses like Carrie Underwood and Martina Mcbride, as well as rock legend Alanis Morrisette.

How have you found making music during lockdown? What challenges have you come across that perhaps wouldn't be there in normal circumstances?

I think feeling guilty for not writing more! I have written a handful of songs during this lockdown- some of which will never see the light of day, and some I hope to be future releases. However, it’s so easy to get into a slump during this lockdown. You’re not going to be productive every day; sometimes your mind just isn’t in it. But it makes it worse if you talk yourself down for not being more motivated or productive. I’m trying to take the days as they come, and trying to be kind to myself!

Your new single 'Use My Body' is a fun energetic song that is more upbeat than some of your older songs; can you explain the writing process for this song?

I love the idea of having an upbeat and lively song with quite a sad message behind it. I think The Wombats do this perfectly, so when they were introduced into my life they became a big source of creative insight for me. I had the idea for the lyrics before I had the melody, and the rest just kind of came. It’s my band who really gives it the energy though; they made it everything I wanted, and more.

Lyrically 'Use My Body' is quite open, where do you find inspiration for writing your lyrics?

I think a major part of it has to do with Taylor Swift. I listened to her from a young age, and if it wasn’t for her, I don’t think I would write so honestly. But I also see writing as a release, or it helps me with my own processes. It helps me, and I want it to help other people.

When listening to this song I could really imagine seeing it being performed live. Unfortunately that's not an option right now, but when you do perform live what do you love most about it?

Are there any messages you are trying to get across to the audience?

Playing with my band is one of my favourite things in the world. I am so comfortable with them up on stage, that it’s just the most fun thing. It helps me be expressive, and honest, because I know they are backing me all the way, and I, them.

Honestly, the messages I am trying to get across differ from song to song, but I think that mental health would probably be an overriding factor for all of them. It’s something that should be talked about more, more openly and honestly. Even Use My Body, even though it’s based on a relationship, there is a real message about what insecurity can do to you. It can make you misuse or mistreat your body.

And lastly, what's next for you? Will we be seeing some more songs or another EP soon?

We have new songs coming out very soon. I cannot wait to share them with you!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions for me, it’s really appreciated.

Photograh of Meg Lawrenson by Alice Pierre

Photograph of Meg Lawrenson by Alice Pierre

‘Use My Body’ is out now and I will link it below along with Meg Lawrenson’s Spotify and Instagram so you can follow her and keep up to date with her upcoming music. I would also recommend listening to her last EP Swallow too as ithas some great songs on it.

Thank you so much for reading!

Listen to ‘Use My Body’ here.

Follow Meg Lawrenson on Spotify here.

Follow Meg Lawrenson on Instagram here.

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